DEPRESSION (2) - Types of Depression and possible symptoms.

Depression is a mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in daily activities leading to impairment in one's life.

(If you didn't read previous post ...pls do before reading this)

There are nine (9) different types of depression either based on the span, symptoms and/or characteristics these depressed patients exhibit.
Types of depression include :-

1). Major depression:- also known as major depressive disorder, classic depression OR unipolar depression. It is fairly common. About 16.2 million adults in the US have experienced at least one major depressive episode.

People with major depressive disorder exprience symptoms most of the day, everyday. Like mental health conditions, It has little to do with what's happening around you. You can have a loving family,  tons of friends , a dream job. You can have the kind of life others envy and still have depression even if there is no obvious reason for your depression. That does not mean that it is not real or that you can simply tough it out.

It's a severe form of depression that causes symptoms such as:- Despondency, gloom or grief and difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much during the day and at night, Loss of apetite or Over eating). Unexplained aches and pains , Lack of concentration,memory problems and inability to make decisions.,feelings of worthlessness or helplessness, thoughts of death,self -harm( e.g cutting yourself) or suicide.

These symptoms can last weeks or even months. Some might have a single episode of major depression while others may have it through out their lifetime. It ruins relationships and daily activities.

2).Persistent depressive disorder :- Also called dysthemia) is a depressed mood that lasts for at least two (2) years. A person diagnosed with this may have episodes of major depression along with periods of less severe symptoms but symptoms must last a period of two years for it to be considered “persistent depressive disorder”.

3). Psychotic depression/depressive psychosis:- Psychotic depression is a subtype of major depression that occurs when a severe depressive illness includes some form of psychosis such as having DISTURBING FALSE FIXED BELIEFS. The psychosis could be hallucinations (such as hearing a voice telling you that you are no good or worthless), delusions (such as intense feelings of worthlessness, failure, or having committed a sin) or some other break with reality. Psychotic depression affects roughly one (1) out of every four (4) people admitted to the hospital for depression and can cause phsyical symptoms like slow movements and sitting still.

4). Postpartum depression:- is much more serious than the baby blues (which is relatively mild depressive and anxiety symptoms that typically clear within two weeks after delivery) that many women experience after giving birth.
Women with postpartum depression experience full blown major depression during pregnancy or after delivery. The feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety and exhaustion that accompany postpartum depression makes it difficult for the new mothers to complete daily activities.
Symptoms like thoughts of self harm or harming the baby, extreme worry over baby's health and safety, difficulty caring for herself and new born, anger /rage, Exhaustion and anxiety.

Women who lack support or have had depression before are at an increased risk of this but it can happen to anyone.

5.) Bipolar/Manic disorder :- This can be hereditary (how this happens has not been proven yet). It is different from depression but included cos of its severity (critical/serious).
In order to be diagnosed with bipolar, you must experience an episode of MANIA (high energy, racing thoughts & speech, unusual risky and self-destructive behaviour, irritability, over confidence /increased confidence or Arrogance, Reduced sleep etc that lasts a period of at least 7 days.
       You may experience a DEPRESSIVE episode before or after the MANIC episode. Depressive symptoms like sadness/emptiness, lack of energy, suicidal thoughts, loss of interest in former enjoyable activities etc.
People with bipolar also have mixed episodes in which you have both MANIC and DEPRESSIVE episodes together...There are several types of bipolar. (You can read more on this if interested)

6). Situational depression:- ( known as adjustment disorder) with depressive mood. It looks like major depression in many aspects but it is brought about by specific events or situations like the death of a loved one, serious illness,emotionally or physically abusive relationships, serious financial troubles etc. Of course it's normal to feel sad in events like this but SITUATIONAL depression happens when these feelings start to feel out of proportion and interfere with your Daily life.
      Its symptoms are frequent crying ,sadness and hopelessness, Anxiety, apetite change, lack of energy and fatigue,difficulty sleeping and so on..

A lot of Nigerians have situational depression due to the poor state of the economy and loss of hope that has plagued us in recent times. A lot of people are hungry and desperate as we spend more than we earn. The poverty level has risen tremendously!

7) PRE-MENSTRUAL dysphoric disorder (PMDD) :- this is a severe form of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). While PMS symptoms can be both physical & psychological. PMDD symptoms tend to be mostly psychological.
In PMDD, the symptoms are more severe than those associated with PMS...For example some women feel more emotional with days leading up to their period but someone with PMDD might experience a level of depression and sadness that gets in the way of their daily functions. Possible symptoms are irritability & anger, extreme mood swings, panic attack, trouble sleeping, food cravings and binge eating, lack of energy etc..

Similarly to prenatal depression, PMDD is believed to be related to hormonal changes.  

Some Women dismiss PMDD as just a bad case of PMS but it can be severe and include thoughts of suicide.

8) Atypical Depression :- refers to depression that temporarily goes away in response to positive events. Your doctor may refer to it as MAJOR DEPRESSIVE disorder with ATYPICAL features.

Despite its name.,it's not unusual or rare. Having Atypical can be challenging ...Cos it may not always seem like you are depressed to others and yourself.  But it can also happen during an episode of major depression. It can occur with persistent depression as well. Symptoms include increased apetite & weight gain, poor body image, insomnia, sleeping more. Heaviness in arms and legs that lasts an hour or more a day,feelings of rejection & sensitivity etc..

Atypical Depression is what happens when you are not paying attention to your mental health and state of mind and is not less serious than the others despite its name.

9) Seasonal depression:- This is not common to us here because of our weather.

Seasonal Affective disorder is characterised by the onset of depression during the winter months when there is loss of sunlight.This depression generally lifts during spring &summer.
SEASONAL AFFECTIVE disorder is accompanied usually with symptoms like social withdrawal, increased sleep ,weight gain,unexplained sadness and gloom etc...and predictably returns every year.

Even though depression can be serious, i am happy to inform you that there are ways you can manage it either by prevention as soon as early signs are detected or learning to take care of it till it goes away. If you want to find out natural ways to cope with all or any of these symptomps... Join me on my next post . I will talk about natural remedies for depression and how to live a much more active and enjoyable life.

Thanks a lot for reading.. I know it's a lot...but we have to educate ourselves. We can't deny it's existence anymore.

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