DEPRESSION - What it is and how to overcome it!

Depression drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to take the steps that will help you to feel better. But while overcoming depression isn’t quick or easy, it’s far from impossible.
You can’t just will yourself to “snap out of it,” but you do have more control than you realize—even if your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent.
The key is to start small and build from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there by making positive choices for yourself each day.

I know it's still considered a taboo to discuss depression in some communities or even want to believe that it exists and so they do not talk about it. For example, the black/african community and even the Asian community. We use words like “man up” “be a man” “how can you be depressed? afterall you have a good job, home and family..What else do you want ? but history has shown us that this successful people are more susceptible to take their own lives first. In Asia where depression is likened to physical pain,they still regard it as a myth but it's existence continually manifests all around us.

Now its our teenagers and youths who are falling VICTIMS more. They want to commit suicide (take their own lives). They find life unbearable” and want to end the pain. Suicide keeps rising and we owe it all to this menace “depression”.

Social media is not without it's share of the blame. People now want to live like celebrities. In a world where the Kardashians/Jenner exist who are not afraid to display their luxurious lifestyles online. It's hard for these kids, young adults and adults themselves to not feel the pressure and hence tend to get depressed or be susceptible to it.

Bullies at school are another reason why kids can be depressed (yes, kids get depressed too!). Parents are therefore advised to pay close attention to their kids else they get depressed by the day and you may miss all the signs. The signs are always there for a parent that cares.

What is Depression?? Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression  is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating or working.
It's a mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. Statistics has shown that at least one (1) in three (3) individuals will be depressed at least once in their lifetime.
About 16.2 million adults in the US have experienced at least one major depressive episode.

How do you know you or someone is depressed?
To be sure that what he or she is battling is Depression..symptoms will have persisted over a period of two (2) weeks for it to be called depression.

Now what are the possible symptoms of depression? 
If you or someone you know has at least five(5) or all of these signs being prevalent after two's possible that this person is depressed and should seek help immediately from a doctor.
You may experience symptoms such as:-
  • Mood: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness, withdrawing from  friends and family.
  • Sleep: early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep
  • Whole body: excessive hunger, fatigue, loss of appetite, or restlessness
  • Behavioural: agitation, excessive crying, irritability, or social isolation
  • Cognitive: lack of concentration, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide
  • Weight: weight gain or weight loss
    Also common: poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts

To find out the warning signs of more serious depression problems and how to prevent depression complications? Stick around.. I am going to be talking about all of this here.

Are you at risk for depression?Knowing what can raise your odds of depression may help you get the best medical care when you need it.

Risk Factors are:-
Genetics: A history of depression in your family may make it more likely for you to get it. It's thought that the condition can be passed down. The exact way this happens, though, isn't clear.. But some types of depression like bi-polar and psychotic depression can be passed on from one generation to the next ..(You can read more on these types of depression as well as other types, their symptoms and attributes at the links below.)

Death or loss: Sadness and grief are normal reactions. Sometimes, though, such big stresses can bring serious symptoms of depression, like thoughts of suicide or feelings of worthlessness.

Conflict: Personal turmoil or disputes with family or friends may lead to depression.

Abuse: Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can bring it on, as well.

Death or loss: Sadness and grief are normal reactions. Sometimes, though, such big stresses can bring serious symptoms of depression, like thoughts of suicide or feeling low.

Life events: Even good things, like moving or graduating, could make you depressed. Other changes that can do that include:

A new job
Loss of employment or income
Having a baby (post natal depression)

Living alone or being home by yourself always is another very common cause of depression.

Now I know you are thinking, it's as if everything in your life can make you depressed.. Yes and No.

Yes -if the feeling persists and you cannot shake it off after two weeks.
No - if it went away within this period and you feel like your normal self again. Please Take Note!

Other illnesses: Sometimes depression pairs with, or can be a reaction to, another illness. Examples include:Sleep problems,Chronic pain,Anxiety ,ADHD and so on...

Also note :- if you feel discomfort talking about distressing emotions like sadness,anger and shame. This could cause feelings to manifest differently in the body. (Make an appointment with a doctor, any one). They will refer you to the right expert to see( clinical psychologist or psychiatrist) 
PAIN is another way your brain communicates to you before it gets into a full blown depression.

Depression is said to be cognitive and mental first before it exhibits physical symptoms .I will talk in length about the types  of depression there is and how to know if you have one or any and also how to cope with and overcome all types of depression in the next post.

I must also emphasise that I am not a medical practitioner or a doctor (please confirm from your doctor/medical practicioner on any questions or issues you may have)  and I got no affiliates for this post. These are all based on research I made  and it's all just to help others. Thank you!

Links to read more on depression,its types and more can be found  below at the end of this page 👇

If you know you enjoyed reading this not forget to like and share as many times as possible. You never know who you are helping by doing so. 

Also feel free to comment. I would love to hear what you guys think about depression.
See you guys soon on my next post which will feature types of depression and more this week.


Unknown said…
Wow just had a broad insight on what could cause depression and it’s really fascinating to think that all this symptoms could be signs of depression.we really need more self awareness on issues like this..thank you ma.👌🏽
Unknown said…
Wow just had a broad insight on what could cause depression and it’s really fascinating to think that all this symptoms could be signs of depression.we really need more self awareness on issues like this..thank you ma.����
Anonymous said…
I was once depressed and i almost committed suicide in January 2018, i just wanted to end it all.
That night I fell asleep and God took me through a journey in ma dream, i woke up shivering and i dint wanna end ma life anymore, instead I was thanking God for everything and realised how ungrateful I have been. Job 14:14 says- Can the dead live again?
If so, this would give me hope through all my years of struggle,
and I would eagerly await the release of death.
Ajikelagosbabe said…
I am glad you didn't. We have so much to live for.
Ajikelagosbabe said…
I am releasing a podcast soon on this just to create more awareness. We cannot afford to be quiet anymore. It is slowly taking all our youths.
Unknown said…
I have been hearing the word "Depression" but I have never taken time to read about it. Reading this made me understand what Depression means now. Now I can relate to the contents of this message Lamide because I have someone suffering so much from this sickness. I wish I had known all these before now so I can help this person come out of this illness.Right now, I prayed everything becomes normal for her.
SULOLA said…
This was really great to read. Very detailed and I'm definitely looking forward to more. Keep up the good work!
Bow said…
This is one serious issue that really needs attention and talked about. I for one really think we the Family and Real Friends should look out for one another, Yes everyone is going through his/her own thing but if we don't look out for those dear to us, it will hunt us for a long while if he/she ends up taking their life due to depression and loneliness. Depression really takes the soul and toll on the body and mind, I can attest to this. As depression hit me hard around September through October of 2008, all through those weeks nobody noticed any changes and I was already really down and planning the worst, but then I thought of how broken-hearted my family and close friends will feel if I'd go through with my plan.. God made me realize my life is linked to others and not mine alone, 🎵Coldplay Viva la Vida🎵 helped too somehow. Ever since Empathy has been my thing, I try to reach out and let people know you are never alone and there's always a reason to live to see tomorrow no matter what. I have never shared this part of my life with anyone.. Like i said before no one noticed back then, so i kept it to myself. But am glad to share with everyone. DEPRESSION is serious and I pray anyone going through any form of it shall be healed and grant peace of mind by the Almighty, God bless the author of this post🙏
ladidi said…
This is a nice write up and quite educative. I hope this gets well circulated.
Ajikelagosbabe said…
Thank you Ladidi. I hope so too