We all remember it like it was just yesterday. So young and fresh in our minds. The attractiveness of it all. Now I know some people had really awkward times then. .but when u find something truly real and deep at that age. It feels divine! The adrenaline….and rush of emotions you feel towards that person. It's like you can smell them even before they approach the corner. You sense that they are near. You think you can never feel this way about anyone anymore. The fact that they are so perfect and so in tune with you and your feelings. You wanna cherish the moments forever.
Then life happens….and he/she moves on...and you have no choice but to move on too. But Oh...how you wanna be stuck in that feeling forever. Yet u can’t ..cos you have to put your life in order also. You have to try to at least get it together. There is admission and school to get to. There is your new job or internship. It all seems like it's all happening at once. You cannot seem to understand why your parents don’t get it or you. Till you grow up one day and realise what they knew all along.
It was all a teenage crush /fantasy. It was never meant to last that long (except in very rare cases ) it was only to prepare you for others to come. Yet you keep comparing them all to your ex. Oh...why can’t they be a little taller or a little fairer or darker… or more romantic. You start to doubt If you can ever find that emotion in you again. ‘Love ‘ or the feeling of it now seems like a very distant memory. You cannot seem to find the one who fits the other end of your puzzle.
You keep going from relationships to relationships…only to feel more drained than the last. Is this the end of you? You wonder.. You start to doubt if you will ever find Mr/Mrs right. Some peeps even tell you to stop being so choosy and pick ‘Mr or Mrs right now”. Until one day you finally stop looking or caring. You just wanna do you. Afterall. .you are worth it. You are worth the expensive dates, the late night walks on the beach while you watch the sunset fade away… the exotic day at the spa..the expensive jewellery and clothes...or is it just the fact that you get to discover your new “likes” and “dislikes’. Then you start to realise that you are so much fun...and you really got this thing called “Life”. You do not have it all figured out and that's okay.. but you love your work in progress.. And it's so much better than you thought it would be. You love what you see when you look in the mirror. You love this newly discovered “YOU” and it feels great.
Then one day when you least expect it and aren't looking at all. You had taken yourself on one of this fun dates all by yourself.. ,then he /she walks into your life. You think it's an accident and you pay them no mind or attention. But you realise gradually that they slowly begin to ingrain themselves into your life. They are suddenly all you think about. You wanna shake off the feeling but you just can’t. They have crept up under all your defenses and are there in your face. You wanna take a step back...and fight this as much as you can..till you realise what they knew and what we all knew all along. You're worth it. They know it too and that's why they won't give up on you or ever walk away. You start to imagine your life without them in it and it seems so bleak so you stop fighting and let it be. At that moment...you realise the first love is the deepest but your last love is so much worth the wait and really the sweetest. Cos they were all that you wanted but never knew you needed...and now all the waiting and the dating makes sense. It was all to prepare you for “the "greatest love of all”. The "one" who makes your heart feel fulfilled!
Love is magical!
Love is kind!
Love is enduring!
Love keeps no record of wrongdoings nor does it keep grudges!
The kind of love God wants for us is to always trust and believe in him always and hand over the reins. When you believe things will work out for you.. They always do. Cos the universe has a way of giving back what you feed it. So stay positive always! ❤❤❤
then i saw my small notebook used as a diary of me trying to talk to my 1st love.. I didn't get to date my 1st love, i had the chance to but didnt..
because I wanted her to be my last love..and believe me both of us were not ready for that at all back then.. way too young n I wasn't gonna let immaturity kill forever.. so i stepped aside so both of us could grow.. It was wise in one part and stupid on the other end, because she didn't know why i stopped my advances towards her.. and I think that left a very bad impression of me..
Fast forward to now, the step back was worth it.. I saw her recently and she's f**ing awesome, bold (always was), free n open minded, smart n mature.. Am so into and happy for who she is now.. I've been trying to get an open chat with her, not easy at all...but one thing for sure Love truly are these things:
"Love is magical!
Love is kind!
Love is enduring!
And true love is really worth the wait..I swear ✌..